2012 has been the stage of an unprecedented act in my life. I am glad to close it, almost 13 months to the day after the accident, a few hours before celebrating 2013.
13 months later... Epilogue.
Indeed I am just out of my last rehab stay: three weeks in the same European rehab resort for injured sportspeople (Dec. 10-29). Paradise. An exhausting paradise, though. All in all, I spent 11 weeks in that heavenly hospital, i.e. 3 full months, punctuated with immersions into real life.
Throughout the year, I relearnt to stand on my two feet, relearnt to walk, relearnt to run, jump, land, relearnt to juke, change directions, speed up and slow down, relearnt to cycle and skate...
I had to re-mobilize the whole leg, get back amplitudes (stretching/flexing), build muscle back...
The final exam is pretty encouraging. I am in the clear and it is still improving: the traumatism is still fresh!
My legs are the same size (which was still not the case one month ago) and almost the same shape, the knee is still loose but the stop is clear (means that the ligament actually grew back although not as tight as before), I got back all my strength (still less endurant and tonic) and almost all my amplitudes (still a bit rusty on the flexing). But I have the green light to work on that and do whatever I want.
Final touches. It is pretty functional, it is all that matters!

...I think I would go for the rock'n roll guitar player again!
'Dude, don't you ever learn from your mistakes?!' Yes I do, and that is exactly the point.
I am not sure I would change a single thing: Although my leg is not as performant as before (yet), I know a happy ending. All the introspection, the fighting, the thinking, the talking, the expectations, the meetings, the frustrations, the victories... all those experiences made me richer. I will not say 'stronger', I do not like clichés!
If you make the sum of them all,
they are worth a lot more than the physical abilities I (may have) lost
and easily compensate for it!
- DEC... Third rehab stay: Gonna Miss the View
- DEC... Anniversary: One year ago... I left my knee in Team France
- NOV... First bootcamp running: BOOTCRAMP Berry
- NOV... Authorizations for 3rd rehab stay! FMyLife #9: Merry Christmas!
- NOV... Gathering documents for 3rd rehab stay FMyLife #8
- OCT... First derby bout: Hell on Wheels: Gent Cuberdonnas Vs. Paris All-Stars
- OCT... First derby bout: Full circle.
- SEPT... First time I Put a Star on It
- AUG... First time I put my full derby gear on: RollerCon '12, Las Vegas: Day Life
- JUL... First rollerdancing demos: Who's Next: Violent & Funky
- JUN... Second rehab stay (exit): It's a long way to the top...
- JUN... Second rehab stay (entry): The CERS strikes back but I will survive
- MAY... Second MRI: It's back. Back?!
- APR... Wonka breaks her ankle. Two disabled at home. Lipsticks & Mouthguards
- MAR... First time putting skates on: Back in the Saddle
- FEB... First rehab stay (fun): The dark side of the CERS
- FEB... First rehab stay (work): They tried to make me go to rehab...
- FEB... Relearning to walk: EROC 2012
- JAN... Cast off: I feel free...
- DEC... Second cast: Superman's dead
- DEC... First cast: News of my knee for nosey people...
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