Thursday, January 12, 2012

Paris RollerGirls Winter Workshops

Future Freshmeats, this is the second (and last!) chance of the season for entering the Paris RollerGirls! We are organizing a Winter Session made of two Workshops and followed by an Entrance Test.

It will follow the same pattern as the Summer Session (which is fully explained in THIS ARTICLE). The principle is also described on the flyer here (click to enlarge):

The workshops are meant to explain the different skills that will be needed to pass the entrance test. The content of both workshops will be identical, browsing all the basic individual skills: falling, stopping, crossing, jumping.
The workshops will start with a short hour of Derby Rules run by our Refs, and the three hours of skating run by our Coaches will be preceded by an off-skates warm-up.

These workshops are not compulsory but are a good review to avoid surprises on the Entrance Test day, and are a good opportunity to meet some of the main protagonists of the league and to get an idea of the overall atmosphere.

Write down the dates:
WORKSHOPS on January 22nd & February 5th.
ENTRANCE TEST on February 19th.

A 4-hour full workshop will only cost you 15€ which will go to the league -- ten times cheaper than what it's worth... Go for it!

For the location and the equipment, everything is already mentionned on the flyer.

For any further information AND for your inscription... the recruitment at
This is compulsory!


  1. 15€ c'est carrément de l'arnaque !!!

    1. Tout est relatif...
      N'hésite pas si tu as d'autres commentaires constructifs! Je me ferai un plaisir d'y répondre aussi constructivement.

  2. c'est sur que c'est relatif....mais
    d'un point de vue d'un étudiant qui n'a pas de tunes...
    15e c'est pas donné

  3. Malheureusement, le derby n'est pas un sport très abordable pour un étudiant. Entre l'achat de protections adéquates, de patins, de la licence ... Mais c'est le choix de chacun.
    15 euros pour le workshop, c'est 5 euros l'heure comprenant l'accès au sol (gymnase ou skatepark), le travail et le temps des coachs qui préparent les exercices à l'avance, des bases essentielles pour passer les recrutements et j'en passe, ce qui n'est pas si cher payé.

    Sinon faut faire ping-pong. Une raquette et une balle.
